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Madrid and its Spooky Legends

girl in dark forest
Written by Daniella

Living in the Spanish capital, you will probably know some of Madrid’s great legends. If you are not yet aware of these mythical tales, we will tell you a few interesting stories. You will be fascinated by this mysterious world full of intrigues, terror and deaths.

Madrid has very rich historical, cultural and social backgrounds, and these also include mysteries, murders and forbidden romances. It doesn’t matter what you call them – myths, tales, paranormal activities – these stories are bound to keep you up at night. So today, ShMadrid will share a few of these spooky tales with you.

Related article: The History of Fear in Madrid

Unknown tales of terror about Madrid

child hiding behind curtains

Photo via Pixabay

La Casa de las Siete Chimeneas (the House with the Seven Chimneys) is the first scene of one of the most shocking stories. They say this 16th century building is haunted by a woman named Elena.

Elena was in a relationship with a man who would later become King Philip II. She was, however, also married to the captain of the King’s troops, and she seemed to be very much in love with him. When her husband went to fight the war in Flanders, he was unfortunately wounded and killed.

Elena became very depressed when she found out he had died, and she eventually took her last breath in the same building the love of her life had lived in. Strangely enough, her body has never been found…

But the story does not end here! When the father later found out what had happened to his daughter, he committed suicide in that same house. Ever since then, there have been several statements saying they have seen a young woman in a white gown walking around with a torch.

Another one of Madrid’s most well-known and darkest legends takes place at Casa de América or El Palacio de Linares, which is located in the centre of Madrid. This legend is still very much alive among people living in Madrid, and they are compelled to scan the entrance carefully, every time they pass the front of the building.

Related article: Madrid for the Adrenaline-Junkie

spirit moving through hallway

Photo via Pixabay

This tale starts at the beginning of the 19th century when José de Murga, the marquis from Linares and the son of a rich merchant, fell in love with a lady called Raimunda, who was the daughter of a cigarette seller and therefore poor. The father, however, did not approve of this romance, and he sent his son to study abroad.

The distance did not stop feelings between José and Raimunda, and they ended up getting married after the father had died. They also had a girl. Upon the death of the father, they found a letter with a confession, stating that the father had had an affair with Raimunda’s mother, so this meant they were actually siblings.

After this discovery, they went to the Church to look for a solution, a special papal decree, but this was not enough for the young couple, as they feared others would never accept their circumstances.

The only solution they could now come up with, was murdering their own daughter. Rumor has it that the parents died shortly after that, having been torn apart by feelings of pain and guilt. Since that moment, Linares Palace has been haunted by ghosts.

There are many more creepy and scary tales to be told. Legends say there is also a ghost at Joy Eslava (the old Eslava theatre), and a ghost without a head appears to be living in the church of San Ginés.

Are you aware of any other spooky tales?

About the author


Daniella loves to write and translate. Her bucket list is filled with beautiful places she still needs to visit.

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